occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
29 February 2008
Hey! Maybe this could work with Captain Codpiece
It's not the story, it's how you cover it
Prominent scientists says that Darwin was wrong about the wild origin of the chicken!
Just it time for the weekend!
Damn meddling socialist Europeans
Jesus - it never ends with these guys
And this is a problem how?
Will the sub-prime crisis claim another scalp?
No Child Left Behind indeed!
Just like a $20 streewalker after the john runs off without paying...
Shame, innit?
Today in infamy - "now how did that spit get in my hair?" edition
Here's some footage of Wolfie in action!
Bring the troops Prince home now!
He is (or was) a bloody soldier in a war zone OF COURSE HE'S IN FUCKING DANGER.
I have nothing against the young man personally but I don't see why he is allowed to be in the armed forces if his life is deemed any more valuable than any other soldier. If he is not to be allowed to serve then he must resign. (Aren't we paying him for just being him in the first place?)
Attention Crystal Palace supporters!
And don't forget to sing this....
Shorter Charles Krauthammer
(How many blow jobs did lobbyists have to give him before he wrote this sack of excrement?)
Hypocrite hoisted on his own petard
I do believe he is losing his mind
Is it proof of Godwin's Law...
And all without a constitution!
The 1% (non)solution
And damned right too!
Hey, wait just one minute, the Turks are pulling out! The terrorists hiding behind the US military in non-existent Kurdistan have won!
Out of touch...out of (his) mind
"Wait, what did you just say? You're predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline?...That's interesting. I hadn't heard that. . . . I know it's high now."
I guess they don't speculate on petrol prices on the Cartoon Channel.
(Note to Americans: 4 USD a US gallon is still ridiculously cheap and the product would still be priced less then the damage it does! The current British price is around £1.05 a litre which comes to just under 8 USD a US gallon.)
Baseball banned in Italy!!!
28 February 2008
I just can't decide
A wee reminder
918,142 and counting*
*As of 14:12 GMT 28/2/08
But if the generals quit...
"There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran...There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible...All the generals are perfectly clear that they don’t have the military capacity to take Iran on in any meaningful fashion. Nobody wants to do it and it would be a matter of conscience for them...“There are enough people who feel this would be an error of judgment too far for there to be resignations." (Emphasis mine.)Of course should it come to this expect the chorus of accusations from the neo-con draft dodging community of "traitors" and "cowards".
Be very, very afraid
I must give them credit for picking the right "artist" for the voice over though.
27 February 2008
Lies, damn lies...
Sixties flashback?
IDF dodges another close one
Nice one guys!
News from the Sunshine State

"Take a memo to Secretary Gates"
Perhaps you were unaware that a "first in, first out" (FIFO) policy is generally considered best practice that the "last in, first out" (LIFO) policy that you seem to be recommending is generally reserved for situations where it is expedient to defer or understate profits; hardly the case here. (Refer to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for further guidance.) You should therefore consider retracting your statement at the earliest opportunity.
Thanks for listening and good luck in your next job.
Yank in London
Unsubtle, probably ineffective
Call me hard hearted...
Sorry - but I'm not not sorry!
By the way the fact that the dollar is worth shit because of a chronically mismanaged economy might have something to with the price of "gas", don't you think?
I felt the earth move under my feet
The gang that can't shoot straight
Too good to be true?
"Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob"
Will this instantly make everyone 9 months older (or in my case, I was a premie, 7 1/2 months)?
26 February 2008
Today in infamy - "big hair - bad music" edition
News from the Grapefruit League!
Minor leaguers demand urine sample first!
Now this is a relief
*Why the presence of an unarmed bear in a city that has more than one murder per day should be a cause for concern is beyond my understanding.

Incurious Clarence
Did I get the zeroes right?
How low will they go?
Well based on past performance we know that they will go as low as possible.
Just wondering
This is going to mean a whole lot of remakes

A taste of things to come?
25 February 2008
Ah, childhood memories
(Will there be a collectors market for this? As long as the item is in the original packaging and unused of course.)
Today in infamy - special heavyweight edition
Surely this is treason!
1.00 USD = 0.675415 EUR
1.00 USD = 0.509087 GBP
Why commercial pilots shouldn't have a sense of adventure
Mark your calendars!
An endorsement too far?
Let them eat (fairy) cake

Americans will know the pastry by another name I think.
24 February 2008
To the victor goes the spoils
In case you've forgotten why...
Here we go again
Will he make a difference? Quite possibly. If he can take enough Democratic votes in one of the big swing states (Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania) to allow McCain to get the electoral votes the answer is "yes he can".
We're all going to die!!!!
Swiftboating was nothing!
Wait just one second!
What's the question that's on everyone's lips?
And who better to ask it Faux News? Fair and balanced is as fair and balanced does.
A Wikileaks non-Wikileak
And now so do you!
The ex-General's pout
I just love democracy.
23 February 2008
Today in infamy - "I'm sure the Cubans thought it was a good idea at the time" edition
And the Cubans would like it back!
Your attention please!
At loose ends in the DC area this weekend?
Poor SMU
Faux favourites?
Now that's entertainment
Now this is important McCain news!
Rep. Renzi has already announced he will not stand for re-election as he wants to spend more time being visited by his family.
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid!
22 February 2008
Losing our religion
Perhaps the US would be more comfortable finding a more religious nation, perhaps Iran would be a good choice, with which to have its Special Relationship now.
Is this irony?
At number four - Envirosafe Service of Ohio for it's facility in Oregon Ohio.
I, for one, think he's worth it!

Now will you sign the son of a bitch to a long term deal?! Please.
I can now reveal to you...
Not because I think it is time that America has a black President.
Not because I think it is time that America has a mixed race President.
Not because I think it is (or is not) time that America has a woman President.
But because I think it is time that America has a President younger than me.
What gives?
You can't even have a bumper sticker on your automobile if you want to get into see Captain Codpiece!
Perhaps they should stop counting
Where is the "War on Prescription Drugs"?
I'm just asking.
Not that these twats are ever embarrassed by anything...
Is he running for Panderer-in-Chief?
Why can't he just use one of those signing statement things and ignore it instead?
The Turks are coming! The Turks are coming!
You may never hear this again
I hope you enjoy it!
They left out paedophilia, masturbation and nose picking!
We're all gonna die!
Today in infamy - special Geno's Steaks edition
Don't tell the English only folks!(a) create the conditions for a social, intellectual and media environment of an international character which is conducive to linguistic pluralism;
(b) promote, through multilingual education, democratic access to knowledge for all citizens, whatever their mother tongue, and build linguistic pluralism.
I'd rather he had given up illegally invading sovereign nations and illegal wiretapping
21 February 2008
He's been down so god-damned long...
Not for the faint of heart (or those with even-close-to-perfect pitch)
If you're a bloke out on the pull...
Don't tell the right wing Christians but...
Welcome the state of Florida to the 19th century!
Proving they can plan ahead and that they are unafraid of what the future will bring the state also promises to launch their IT "Year 2K" remediation project in 2206.
Truth in the margins
Bug me once shame on me
The end of a beautiful friendship?
She'll get a fair lynching
*Not to forget the right to discuss loofahs in the privacy of your own phone.
Will the surge end on Saturday?
Did you seen the moon last night?
20 February 2008
Today in infamy - Bush family tree edition
"You go to war with the army you have left"*
*Insincere apologies to Donald Rumsfeld.
War is Peace! Black is White!
So, if they like, fucking miss...
As goes Kosovo...
"There's a disagreement but we believe as many other nations do that history will prove this to be the correct move."
You say say "Obama"! You show "Osama"! Let's call the whole thing off.
Clearly these were people who never needed to get south of the river!
Yes - they are quaint. Yes - they almost always now where they are going. Yes - if you are "lucky" you will get an opinionated cabby who will chew your ear off in a dialect distantly related to English.
But they won't go south of the river and therefore they must be spurned!
OK - I was wr-wr-wr-wr-wr-ong!
I am terribly sorry for any confusion caused.
Will we see the moon tonight?
There will be a total lunar eclipse tomorrow morning, starting around 1:45 AM. Whether we get to see it or not is a separate matter. If the Met Office is to be believed, ever dubious, we may just get lucky with cloud not showing up till around 6 AM. The Yanks may just get lucky as well.
19 February 2008
Thank you Mohamed!
My favourite bit is when he called Prince Philip a Nazi, this might be the most lucid he was all day, but then he ruined the moment when he got all muddled up and suggest that the Prince should be "sent back to Germany". Mohamed everyone knows that Philip is a Greek. It's the Queen (Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) who is German!
Well they all look alike don't they?
Quote of the day
"However, that's not the real issue. The issue is liability protection for the private sector." (Emphasis mine.)
If you must frisk...
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid
Pay attention now. He'll only be saying this once!
Now why didn't I think of this?
A new champion for the common man
Unminced words
Read the rest."Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment are prohibited under international law. No exceptions are allowed, ever. Torture was made unthinkable – or at least impossible to defend - after the ban had been inscribed in United Nations human rights treaties, the humanitarian Geneva Conventions and the European Convention on Human Rights. This great achievement in the struggle against barbarity and for human rights must now be defended.
International watch mechanisms have been established to ensure that states adopt measures to uphold these treaties and to condemn any practices of torture when they occur. The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) has also authority to make unannounced visits to places of detention.
This is not a theoretical debate – torture has continued to be used on a distressing scale, also in recent times. The proper response is to strengthen the existing mechanisms. It is therefore shocking that misdirected counter-terrorism strategies are now challenging the very consensus against torture.
The devious “ticking bomb” argument has returned and even been taken seriously by some leading opinion makers, not least in the United States where it has been used to defend one of the most cruel torture methods, the so-called water boarding (mock drowning). (Emphasis mine.)
Are you listening Washington?
Cow Horse fled barn? Tick
The USDA has decided, for undisclosed reasons, to step up inspections at abattoirs.
18 February 2008
So like , how many cows are we talking here?
Now it would be my guess that most of this 70,000+ tons of mince has already gone done American gullets and as almost a quarter of the meat was destined for schools you can guess whose gullets it has gone down.
Yep. This self-regulation thing is a real winner, innit?
Not to be out done by Pennsylvania...
I think Faux News is worried hackers might be Democrats (or Benidict Arnold supporters)
Go figure.
Do the people this man works for...
Those of you who pray
May she rest in peace.
Mitt the (possibly illegal) Migrant?
A day without the "argument from oranges"...
This is why democracy will never work. I guarantee that this guy hasn't been struck off the voter roles in Florida!
Balkans to the boil again?
As for the US? The State Department is rather cautiously saying that "the United States is reviewing this issue and discussing it with its European partners" and is calling "on all parties to exercise the utmost restraint and to refrain from any provocative act". Meanwhile the anti-diplomat Captain Codpiece, currently on the second leg of his "Legacy '08 Tour" in Africa has unreservedly endorsed the declarations, possibly adding a "Yee-Haw" afterwards.
As I noted yesterday there may be trouble ahead.
Meanwhile over at Global Voices you will find a selection of blog comments displaying joy, concern and anger.
The most troublesome thing is that the oppressed, Kosovan Albanians under Serbian rule, will become the oppressors of the Kosovan Serbs and the vicious and violent circle will start spinning again.
Unhappy memories
Now if we can just get rid of Senior!
For libertarian libertines only
EXTRA! EXTRA! JFK assassination conspiracy proved!
Meanwhile my senior Senator Arlen "Single Bullet" Specter* (R - PA) is concentrating his considerable investigate talents on the scandal that is the National (American) Football League!
*I am always amused that my (proper British) English spell check wants his surname to be “Spectre”.
Murder most foul!
Déjà vu all over again
"No new taxes."I reckon this means he could still raise any and all of the old ones.
(Not as) solid as a Rock
Unlevelling the playing field
But is it news?
What gives?
17 February 2008
Over to you Charles
Dr. Cass I fear that you are out of your league.
Progress report
God's interest rate
Keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em shit!
There may be trouble ahead
A question for 67% of the American people
All aboard the (Republican) Pervert Express
Justice still denied
16 February 2008
And hot coals are better than being flayed alive!
"It is not like putting burning coals on people's bodies. The person is in no real danger. The impact is psychological."
Remember you heard it here first!
Why does anyone take this woman seriously?
Today in infamy - "Is this Heaven?" "No - it's Delaware" edition
Western greed and climate change
So, what to do. Do Americans, Canadians, Australians and Europeans have the right to spew this waste into the atmosphere simply because they have the money to purchase the products and the lifestyle that creates it? Do companies and consumers have the right to externalise the costs associated with this consumption by transferring the financial implications to those least able to afford it?
I suppose that a true free marketeer would say that they do and the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent "invisible hand of the market" will ensure that all ends well. I do not think that way and am capable of seeing that the market in completely impotent in circumstances where foresight and proactive measures are required. This is especially true when, as in this case, these proactive measures are almost certainly in opposition to the short term self interests of those with the most power.
Clearly the first step that will need to be accomplished is to come to agreement as to an acceptable level of emissions would be. By itself this would be no mean feat but let us assume that the world community can reach agreement on this. If this level is higher than current total levels, unlikely, than some growth in total planetary emissions would be allowed. If the level is less then contraction would be required and a timescale, with interim milestones, would have to be agreed. Once again an extremely difficult task but less us assume for the sake of argument that this can be done.
This leaves us with the difficulty of allocation. Unless one believes that some humans have greater God given rights to these emissions than others the equitable mechanism is to allocate the right to emit on a per capita basis worldwide. These rights could then been bought and sold for those with a desire or perceived need to exceed their allocation. The west would clearly being doing much of the buying and developing nations much of the selling leading to a transfer of wealth that would go some way to financing the costs of addressing climate change in the poorer countries.
Why wouldn't this work? I am eagerly awaiting my boost in income!
Jihad alert! Muslim school refuses to allow female referee!
Why the match was allowed to go on, as apparently was, is beyond me. But that's Kansas for you!
The Round Mound of Rebound speaks!
Yesterday he had a few things to say about America's Faux Christians.
In case you've forgotten his playing years here's a little taster.
Arise Governor Barkley!
15 February 2008
My congratulations go out to Austin
Today in infamy - "that comes to a guinea, a farthing and one of those funny looking little things" edition
"A little poison won't hurt 'em. They's mostly poor folks and poor folks is used to poison!"
Heckuva job indeed Brownie et al.
Bloody ingrates!
Why can't they just get on with their lives?
Today in infamy - "where the hell were you?" edition

On this date in 2001 over a million people took to the streets of London to protest the impending illegal invasion of Iraq. The Prime Minister at the time, St. Tony Blair, apparently spent the day in 10 Downing Street with his fingers in his ears chanting "na - na - na - na - I can't hear you" and then joined Captain Codpiece in the illegal invasion despite the will of the British populace.
I was there. Where the hell were you?
The long arm of the FCC

Denied a US visa Amy Winehouse had to perform at the Grammy Awards via satellite. Despite the fact that she was on
And you think you have the boss from Hell!
Should Ms. Amiel be discovered at some point in the future horribly murdered and mutilated I would think that Royal Canadian Mounted Police might do well to have a word with Werner about his whereabouts at the time although a defence of justifiable homicide would certainly be possibly should he ever be prosecuted for such a deed!
Attention all you "every life is sacred" people
I repeat: 90,000 innocent human beings. Are you listening?
Taking a stab at justice
14 February 2008
The self-loathing Royal?
Truth in spamming!
Will there be a Page 3 (nsfw) tab on the home page?
Where were the statistics?
Who says chivalry is dead?
My good Valentines Day news
At last we may finally find out if....
How do you spell P-A-N-D-E-R?
On the road to freedom!
"They should not be under any illusion that they will bring people to the streets after the election. Nothing of that sort will be allowed...In this situation of extremism and terrorism, no agitation, anarchy or chaos can be acceptable."
Democracy - a beautiful thing to watch!
So that's all thumbs down then
"Well, it had to happen. Madonna has been a terrible actor in many, many films and now - fiercely aspirational as ever - she has graduated to being a terrible director. She has made a movie so incredibly bad that Berlin festival goers were staggering around yesterday in a state of clinical shock, deathly pale and mewing like maltreated kittens. She is also the producer and co-author of the script. If she'd done the location catering as well, they'd have had a Jonestown situation on their hands."
Excuse me Your Honour...
The words we choose
- "the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments b: judge c: the administration of law; especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity" - clearly this is a NO
- "the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2): conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness c: the quality of conforming to law" - once again a big NO
- "conformity to truth, fact, or reason" - probably NO (although it is clear that Mr. McCormack and his superiors are absolutely convinced of their own rightness)
Da Iggles surrender!

Does anyone else remember the Fury or am I the only one who is that old?
Happy Valentine's Day!
13 February 2008
Let's be packing
- Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument Montana ("There could be injuns lurkin' there still")
- Death Valley National Park ("I want to go out shootin'")
- Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site (injuns again)
- Flight 93 National Memorial ("There could be terraists with box cutters still waiting in the bushes!")
- Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site ("O'Neill was a commie wasn't he? What's he got a park for anyway")
- Canaveral National Seashore ("I wanna shoot off my gun when they launch the shuttle")
- Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site (sarcasm not required)
- Minidoka Internment National Monument ("There might still be some of them Japs hanging about who don't know the war's over.")
- Mammoth Cave National Park (Guns in caves! That sounds like fun Jim Bob.")
- Carlsbad Caverns National Park (ditto)
- Fire Island National Seashore ("I've heard things about Fire Island. It's full of them marriage haters.")
- Statue of Liberty National Monument ("The Frogs might have booby trapped it when they gave it to us."
- Oregon Caves National Monument (caves again!)
- Friendship Hill National Historic Site (I shall allow the irony to speak for itself)
- Independence National Historical Park ("Because the Philadelphia murder rate isn't high enough!")
- Minuteman Missile National Historic Site (sarcasm not required)
- Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument ("Spear guns Jim Bob!"
And last but not least in the Nation's Capital:
- Constitution Gardens ("Look out for them activist judges")
- Ford's Theatre National Historic Site ("Did they ever catch that Booth feller?")
- National Mall ("What kinda stores they got there?")
- Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site (sarcasm not required)
- Washington Monument ("Can a pack heat in the elevator or do I have to walk up?")
And of course:
- The White House! ("This oughta work out just fine if one of them Demon-crats gets elected!")
No researcher time was wasted in the publication of this story!
"Authorities say there is ‘no specific, credible intelligence’ that says terrorists are planning to use women and suicide bombers to attack, but the warning was sent to agencies across the country in the wake of recent attacks overseas."
Well thank heavens for that, eh?
And not a drop to drink
I moved here for the weather. Really.
"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"
Stop me if this sounds familiar at all
Scalia keeps an open mind!
I am certain that should such a case arise that Justice Scalia will, wishing to avoid any sense of impropriety, recuse himself from joining in the opinion. Right?
As a heathen I recognise that some will question on my credentials on this...
That is all.
Beauty in motion
12 February 2008
Yank's fashion tips
Didn't there used to be mountains here?
I thought this John Prine tune would be appropriate.
And they tortured the timber and stripped all the land
Well, they dug for their coal till the land was forsaken
Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man."
Don't forget!

(Note: as expected I didn't make to Downe House. Maybe at the weekend. Certainly next year for the bicentennial.)
He will be missed
Dear Senator McCain,
Great election news!
Jesus in a tree!
"One hundred grand, they got $28,000 for a grilled cheese sandwich...One hundred grand for a piece of beautiful New Jersey pine with a picture of Jesus Christ ascending to heaven."
Personally I think the sap stain looks like a woman in a hijab dancing. Maybe that's the message God is trying to send us - Jesus is now a Muslim woman! That should add new complexities to the Eternal Global War on Terra.
If you call it will they come?
Destroying the traditional family (pet)
Despite several attempts Senator Larry "Not-Now-and-Never-Have-Been Gay" Craig (R - ID) could not be reached for comment.
It's about bloody time
Well finally the Spanish government, run by Socialists, is going to do something about it. Well done!
Now if I could just remember the difference between British and American shoe sizes.
*Don't pick on me for not knowing exactly how long my marriage lasted. It is much easier to recall when a marriage began (I still know the precise date) than to work out when it ended!
Why I love Red Ken
Trust...but verify
After all, inspectors are really just to justify inspections.
Where bigots fly (first)!
The simple solution to this problem, should it happened again (and it will), is allow those bigots unwilling to fly with black people, Muslims or men with beards to disembark from the plane and to take the next available flight to their destination without, of course, any compensation or recompense for lodging or meals. They are the ones who should, and must, suffer, not the innocents.
The band, called Caribbean Steel International have a MySpace page. Go send them some love!