occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 August 2007
Coming soon to an Ebay near you
A suggestion for Senator Craig
101 reasons you shouldn't get drunk with your boss
Massive anti-American conspircary unearthed at UN
Shock and awe air strikes have been called in and former interim US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton will be on hand to laser in the first laser guided bomb!
Leap of faith
Point two: a large percentage of food service employees in Florida are immigrants
Ergo: Kitchen worker immigrants (and possibly Democrats) are trying to kill you!
Well he was running away at the time!
Now this IS news!
Just my ECT and me (or how I spent my summer vacation)
The Mother Jones article is here.
In which I agree with Michelle Malkin (no really - I do!)
Not that I wish ill of anyone...
Waxman asks for White House "lost" emial reports
Ms. Maglalang wants to save America
I have a solution that I am certain, based on her past record, she will approve off. Since there is no way to tell a good Filipino/a from a bad Filipino/a the only way to ensure that America remains safe from these potential and actual evil doers is to all Filipinos and Filipinos, or anyone who looks like they could be such, in America in
Cloud cuckoo land II
Crooks and Liars has the video.
Cloud cuckoo land
"Just wait for our lies report before you make a judgement"
Progress report
"However today, we are witnessing a new kind of dictatorship, that one could call 'Bush's democratic dictatorship'. This democracy is comprised of groups of vengeful, malicious, murderous and corrupt sectarians who returned after having been exiled to neighboring countries - specifically Iran and Syria. And the memories remain. The Iraqis are aware of Prime Minister Al-Maliki's corruption and the nest of forgery at his former stronghold near the Saiyyda Zeinab Mosque in Damascus, which is a distinct hallmark of the pattern of government in the new Iraq."
Read the rest of this view from Iraq.
US government audit proves that Saddam DID have WMDs!
More Christian persecution!
I haven't got a problem with this
Surprise, surprise (in Gomer Pyle voice)
Many pundits, including myself, had thought that the gravel voiced telly "star" was attempting to become the first President in over a century to get elected without actually becoming a candidate.
What's up in Manchester?
Key quote from local resident Claire Hardy
:"The cups rattled on the shelf and I thought, 'What the hell was that?'"
He will hear but will he listen?
A Google news search for Bush+military+concerns+HEAR yields 578 results. In contrast a Google news search for bush+military+concerns+LISTEN yeilds only 86 results most of which are not about Iraq.
Just a coincidence or are they trying to manage our already incredibly low expectations?
Time for Britain to start thinking Republican!
About time I'd say.
Happy anniversary New Orleans
I am certain that the folks down there are right happy he stopped by!
Letting the market decide
Bend it like Bentley?
I am not feeling good about England's qualifying for the 2008 tournament finals as they now sit in fourth place in Group E and are now without Beckham, Rooney and perhaps Gerard.
In Pakistan
Jab time
The kleptocrats
Mr Moi's sons - Philip and Gideon - were reported to be worth £384m and £550m respectively.
His associates colluded with Italian drug barons and printed counterfeit money.
His clique owned a bank in Belgium.
The threat of losing their wealth prompted threats of violence between Mr Moi's family and his political aides.
£4m was used to buy a home in Surrey and £2m to buy a flat in Knightsbridge
30 August 2007
Another reason I don't live in Pennsylvania anymore
Trends in spam
Another blow to the Second Amendment and our freedoms
Today in history
One hundred and twenty two years ago tomorrow: first Hell's Angels chapter formed.
If you thought it was only Christanity that had scary doomsday cults...
The good news is that he reemergence is one of the fifteen benchmarks, of eighteen, that the Iraqi government has failed to meet so if you do spot him it could be proof that the surge is working.
But he is not, nor ever has been, gay!
No contest grudge match
"I think that they [the Vatican] should answer for what they did to her and what they are doing to us."
Finally an anti-war song for our time
(Little) Britain ahead of the game
On the job non-training
Not for the arachnaphobic
Do you want the bad news first?
We shall beat our milestones into millstones
In my book that's an F grade unless we are grading on a curve which means it's an A!
How to tell if you have bad luck
Finally the Sudan, not the most stable country in the world, offers to take you in. What next?
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo....
Travelling whilst Muslim
*I am certain that the passenger is a faithful reader of Ms. Maglalang who has not yet weighed in as regards this incident but I am sure that she will.
Just the facts Senator
An idea for John McCain
Why does Shit Turd Blossom hate America?
Feeling safer yet?
But is it art?
Heck of a job Bushie!
Of omertà and Abu Ghraib
It is possible that at one time America was a nation of laws but it is no more.
Food for thought
Have we finally lost the war or is there still hope?
"Pot meet Kettle. You will notice that Kettle is black."
Bush's courageous effort to make Vietanm safe for democracy, booze and a mysterious white powder
Maliki won't resign, can't be forced out, never even been to Minneapolis Airport
Holy water row Batman!
This is an outrage! These people are faithful Catholics not Muslims. Everyone knows that Catholics would never commit acts of terror. Can you hang on a moment? I've just had a call come through from Belfast.
"Yes. I see. Good point."
*Does Air Vatican need to use planes or is it sufficient for the travelers to believe that they are flying to France?
If x = £9,821 is 1,148x > too much?
Cats killing whales!
29 August 2007
Packed with good stuff...
The Advertising Standards Authority has banned a Dairylea ad campaign; basically because its claims are a load of shite.
Real money?
Statue of terrorist placed in Parliament Square
Well. Nelson Mandela used to a terrorist didn't he? It's a good thing that the Decider(TM) wasn't President back then or he would have personally hunted Mr. Mandela down and killed him with his bare hands. Or not as the case may be.
"Haven't I told you 'NO' already?"
Friends like these, eh?
Fifty eight years ago today
Thinking outside the box - government style
Just thinking
If that is case in the Bush administration we have reached the pinnacle of American politics and it is all downhill from here.
And the winner is...
Unh. What was the question?
What country has the most guns be hundred people. That's more than one per adult. Must be the safest country in the world! Americans also own 30% of the world's know firearms. Maybe those bulletproof backpacks aren't such a stupid idea after all.
I hear voices!
"Help worse crime ever: evil + out of mind: from Bush to neighbors using witchcraft + technology against people not belong to their religious group:"
Paging Bill O'Reilly
Go to it mate! I know you want to.
You can get there from here!
Coming soon to an Ebay near you
Why should property insurance be any different than health insurance?
Is this the key that sank a famous ship (and launched a thousand films)?
Another chink in that oh so special relationship
More offences against the 2nd amendment!
The stuff grows like a weed!
Americans release evil doers!
Time to open a book?
Time to boycott ABC!
Cue the Christian outrage!
I eagerly await the Make Husbands Do More Housework to Save Marriage March on Washington.
Tax 'em where they live
*The NCPA's website claims that they wish to "develop and promote private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector" so you would think that we be in favour of eliminating this subsidy but you would be oh so wrong.
Bo Diddley has heart attack....
If they shut down the system only the already armed will have guns
"They're just marks on a bench, see?"
Everyone loves an avatar in uniform don't they?
"be on watch for websites that incite secession, promote superstition, gambling and fraud". The figures will appear on foot, on a motorcycle or in a car. Will any pop up blocker take care of these?
Elsewhere in the Middle East
"I did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport
In the statement he made to the press he denied that he is currently gay and that he has ever been gay but, and I think I have him here, he clearly did not deny that he might choose to become gay at some time in the future. Video below.
All viaducts, all the time
Meanwhile back in the old home state of Pennsylvania the picture is less than rosy.
To my friends on the right...
That freedom thing
The wrong direction
I am very frightened indeed
The full speech can be found here.
Who's meddling?
It's good to be in charge
28 August 2007
Why did no one tell me?
With God on our side
God could not be reached for comment as She was having a night out with the girls.
And I suppose Homer Simpson is his role model
Hey look it is a beauty pagent not a clever and articulate pagent
Angel of death
I am sorry to tell the grieving families in Hawaii and New Mexico that their loved ones, tragically, died in vain.
For the love of God
Getting fatter all the time
And my hearty congratulations, and double cheeseburgers all around, to the great state of Mississippi which has surpassed a 30% obesity rate and climbing. What's the target for 50%?
We didn't believe the IAEA re Iraq
At last a President with God in his heart
I reckon they do not feel that way about the President of Turkey though. Assuming they know that there is a country called Turkey; that is a Muslim nation that has a long standing dedication to secular government; that it is not something that you eat on Thanksgiving before watching American football.
Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery
China today. The US one hundred and fifty years ago.
La plus ça change as they say.
In other Iraq news
How can a campaign that doesn't exist lose an employee it shouldn't have?
Progress report
The good news is that plenty of fresh flowers have been made available with which these otherwise idle youngsters can shower the
I smell a lawsuit (or a thousand) coming
John Edwards just doesn't get it does he?
We'll go when we want to!
Why is there never a "loony" right?
I guess I have to consider the source. If anyone knows "loony" it is the loony Moonie moonbats at the Times!
Holy batcrime Batman!
Does the Republican National Committee sponsor a softball team?
The incident as reinacted by a Sacramento CA news tean.
Spinning Gone-zo
A sponsorship too far?
How I want to spend my 100th birthday
Gone-zo watch (day 157 the last)
Oh happy day!
27 August 2007
The few, the proud, the Decider(TM)
"Few readers today, after Vietnam, Iran, the Philippines, Algeria, Cuba, Nicaragua, Iraq, would disagree that it is precisely the fervent innocence of Greene's Pyle or Naipaul's Father Huismans, men for whom the native can be educated into 'our' civilization, that turns out to produce the murder, subversion, and endless instability of 'primitive' societies."
He can't handle the truth
Your point is?
And the runner up is...........
In case you've forgotten former England cricket coach Duncan Fletcher came from way back to win the competition back in April surprising co-favourites Gone-zo and England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren who is now doomed to finish last.
Making the world safe for hypocrisy...
How Bush and his minions have used the war in Iraq to redistribute wealth from the average American taxpayer to wealthy American contractors.
Should the US taxpayer be footing the bill for this?
Missing you
Kapitalist kibbutzim?
I don't care what they call it...
It's hot in Texas
Now you don't have to be a genius to realise that it probably is not a good idea to leave a container of flammable gas inside a car in Texas in the summertime. But then if Mr. Reas was a genius he probably wouldn't be living in Texas.
Sometimes parents DO know their kids!
Lei has a dream. "Too bad" say some
Weren't they paying attention?
Hasta la vista baby
No news here!
The sporting news
Today in music
"Texas Flood"
Progress report
I guess this means that Big Brother won't become Big Sister anytime soon
Attack of the "gribbers"
Gone-zo watch (day 156)
(To be continued...)
26 August 2007
I'm sure someone thought this was a good idea
*Note for Americans - footballs are round!
Über-liberal, gay marrying, freedom hating Massachusetts...
This should mean that we won't have Mike Huckabee to kick around anymore
Was does Mohamed El Baradei hate freedom?
And grown men wept
Going to Florida for your holidays?
Freedom hating whistleblowers distort the free market in Iraq
Sign of things to come
Japan and Norway next?
Progress report
I can see this working
Think socialist home schooling on steroids.
The football news
So much for the boys of '66 reunion tour.
Coming soon to a cinema near you
I wait with bated breath.
In which I agree with Christopher Hitchens
1) The Vietminh, later the Vietnamese NLF, were allies of the United States and Britain against the Axis during the Second World War. The Iraqi Baath party was on the other side.
2) Ho Chi Minh quoted Thomas Jefferson in proclaiming Vietnam's own declaration of independence, a note that has hardly been struck in Baathist or jihadist propaganda.
3) Vietnam was resisting French colonialism and had defeated it by 1954 at Dien Bien Phu; the real 'war' was therefore over before the US even landed troops in the country.
4) The subsequent conflict was fought to preserve an imposed partition of a country striving to reunify itself; if anything, the Iraqi case is the reverse.
5) The Vietnamese leadership appealed to the UN: the Saddamists and their jihadist allies murdered the first UN envoy to arrive in Iraq, saying that he was fit only for death because he had assisted in securing the independence of East Timor from Indonesia.
6) Vietnam never threatened any other country; Iraq under Saddam invaded two of its neighbours and declared one of them (Kuwait) to be part of Iraq itself.
7) Vietnam was a victim of chemical and ecological warfare; Iraq was the perpetrator of such illegal methods and sought to develop even worse nuclear and biological ones.
8) Vietnam neither sponsored nor encouraged terrorist tactics beyond its borders; Iraq under Saddam was a haven for Abu Nidal and other random killers and its 'insurgents' now proclaim war on Hindus, Jews, unbelievers and the wrong sort of Muslim.
9) There has for years been a 'people's war' fought by genuine guerrillas in Iraq; it is the war of liberation conducted by Kurdish fighters against genocide and dictatorship. Inconveniently for all analogies, these fighters are ranged on the side of the US and Britain.
10) The Iraqi Communist party and the Iraqi labour movement advocated the overthrow of Saddam (if not necessarily by Bush), a rather conspicuous difference from the situation in Indochina. These forces still form a part of the tenuous civil society that is fighting to defend itself against the parties of God.
11) The American-sponsored regimes in Vietnam tended, among other things, to be strongly identified with one confessional minority (Catholic) to the exclusion of secular, nationalist and Buddhist forces. The elected government in Iraq may have a sectarian hue, but at least it draws upon hitherto repressed majority populations - Kurds and Shias - and at least the American embassy works as a solvent upon religious and ethnic divisions rather than an inciter of them.
12) President Eisenhower admitted that if there had ever been a fair election in Vietnam, it would have been won by Ho Chi Minh; the Baath party's successors refused to participate in the Iraqi elections and their jihadist allies declared that democracy was an alien concept and threatened all voters with murder.
13) The Americans in Vietnam employed methods ('search and destroy'; 'body count') and weapons (napalm, Agent Orange) that targeted civilians. Today, those who make indiscriminate war on the innocent show their hand on the streets of Baghdad and are often the proxies of neighbouring dictatorships or of international gangster organisations.
The above list is by no means exhaustive, but will do, I think, as a caution against any glib invocation of historical comparisons. One might add that among the results of the Vietnamese revolution was an admittedly crude form of market socialism, none the less wedded to ideas of modernisation; a strong resistance to Chinese expansionism (one excuse for Washington's invasion); and a military expedition to depose the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.
Gone-zo watch (day 155)
(To be continued...)
25 August 2007
A message from our sponsor
what is a "half ball"? cocainefound what they were looking for!
Why are Republicans so sexually repressed?
Some statistics for the every-life-is-sacred crowd
- 1,900,000 infant deaths
- 135,000 maternal deaths
- 60,000,000 unintended pregnancies
- 25,000,000 abortions
The cost of the US withholding funding from the United Nations Population Fund.
You must be ever so proud.
I am ever so proud...
I think Will Durst might have skipped over something...
Why is Britain trying so very hard to be America?
In penny lane there is a copper taking photographs
Of every victim he's had the pleasure to know.
And all the people that come and go
Stop and say oh no
Two nightclub doormen where shot in an incident on Penny Lane in the Mossley Hill area of Liverpool last night. At least one of the men is still in critical condition.
The sludge that made Milwaukee famous
Does anyone have any spare space in their garden? If you do please contact Jeff Spence of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District at +14142725100. They would be most appreciative. They would prefer that you pick up your sludge personally but they will deliver if no other arrangements can be made.
Do I hear thunder?
I do so look forward to peace in our time, don't you?
Will the candidates have to pull a locomotive first?
It depends on what the meaning of "public" is
"We recognize parents may have hardships. But educating kids is a costly business."
Your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore...
Get a goddamn job Ted!
Arizona State University offers a degree in gender studies. Do you reckon that's what he's going to take?
Hyper-sensitive Muslims force good Christian off the air
I would like to add to Rev. Keller's statements the following: that Christianity is a 2,000-year-old lie from the pits of hell, that Jesus was a murdering pedophile and that the Bible, camouflaged or not, is a book of fables and a book of lies.
Everyone OK with that?
Another traitor in our midst
This season's must have fashion accessory
There is something seriously wrong with America, isn't there? Isn't anyone taking their medication anymore?
"It's quiet in there; too quiet!"
Five hour siege. Snipers. Tear gas. Police dogs. Empty house*.
Your tax dollars at work.
*There weren't even any WMDs!
Why would anyone with any credibility give Ann Coulter a forum?
Just what does one have to do exactly to commit libel in American anyway?
Catholic schism in Denver
Of course I'm not sure that I have much sympathy for alleged dedicated "pilgrims" who feel an overwhelming need to get into the air conditioning after a twenty five mile stroll. They sure don't make 'em like they used to.
Oh Canada! We throw these stones for Thee!
Video from the scene
"Koalas are so cute, aren't they?"
Another milestone achieved?
And your point is Vlady?
At last he gets it! He really gets it.
Religious zealots force newspaper closure over blasphemous cartoon!
Cut off diplomatic relations!
Heap scorn on the country!
What? The zealots were Christians?
Sorry to have troubled you. Never mind.
An intolerant nation?
1. Do not get married.
2. Do not leave town at any time without permission of the school board.
3. Do not keep company with men.
4. Be home between the hours of 8 PM and 6 AM.
5. Do not loiter downtown in...stores.
6. Do not smoke.
7. Do not get into a [vehicle] with any man except your father or brother.
8. Do not dress in bright colors.
9. Do not dye your hair.
10. Do not wear any dress more than two inches above the ankle.
Where's the British John Gibson?
Get out there and get shagging!
And yet his is still a talentless twat!
Kit, the smarter and more talented half of the Knightrider duo, could not be reached for comment.
Quotes of the day
"Any organization created out of fear must create fear in order to survive" Bill Hicks
Monsieur le président - sans ses poignées d'amour
Gone-zo watch (day 154)
(To be continued...)
24 August 2007
Christ - not him again!
I'd have them talk to Krauthammer. He's in charge or at least thinks he is!
Nutter-naut in court plea
It is not known at this time if she also asked to have her nappy changed.
Good news!
One hour and twenty two minutes
But how much jail time did Ms. Richie serve? One hour and twenty two minutes.
A 20" TV?
Yes. I was born a long, long time ago but I find this list of college dorm necessities appalling. Am I turning into a grumpy old man or is it unnecessary to have a 20" LCD TV AND a fridge in your room? What kind of energy consumption are they responsible for? Whatever happened to the green generation?
The ten dorm necessities when I went off to university in 1973 were:
- Bong
- Backup bong
- Poster from "Dark Side of the Moon"
- Frisbee
- Rolling papers
- Fake ID
- Cocktail shaker
- Tang
- Condoms
What's with all this materialism all of a sudden?
Can one be an agnostic and still become a saint?
I thought God took care of the void on the first day, didn't She?
Till death do them part
In Atlanta evangelist preacher Juanita Bynum was allegedly beaten with a baseball bat in a car park by her estranged husband Thomas Week with whom she shares her Global Destiny Church ministry. Ms. Bynum is known for preaching empowerment to women in abusive relationships. Shouldn't God be taking care of these people? Why doesn't She care?
Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
The Bush administration reaction to this? The predictable: "Let's get a move on! We've got a hell of a queue here."
Shorter (but not thinner) Rush Limbaugh
Progress report
High level of violence? √
Al Qaeda able to mount major attacks? √
Iraqi security forces unable to operate alone? √
Iraqi government unable to function effectively? √
American recruiting of Sunni militia undermining elected Iraqi government? √
Didn't we used to condemn China for behaving like this?
Somehow I suspect that the ADC gets paid a lot more than is passed on to the prisoners but that is just a wild guess.
Say it ain't so!
The question on every one's lips, as is always the way in cases like this, is "who gets to keep the congregation?".
Meanwhile whilst the western world isn't watching...
"Does this taste funny to you? It tastes funny to me."
."We thought we had a good process," said Mark Watton, Otay Water District's general manager. "Obviously, there's a gap."No shit Sherlock!